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Experienced Perspective.

Yorkville Advisors was founded by Mark Angelo in 2001, and today he leads a team of professionals who bring extensive knowledge of capital markets and represent a wide range of experience in the securities industry. Our team continually strives to assist companies in addressing their financing needs.

Mark Angelo - President and Managing Member of Yorkville Advisors

Mark Angelo

President & Partner

David Gonzalez - General Counsel at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

David Gonzalez

General Counsel

Michael Rosselli - Senior Managing Director at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Michael Rosselli

Partner & Investment Committee Chair

Troy Rillo - Senior Managing Director at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Troy Rillo

Partner & Investment Committee Chair

Saad Gilani - Managing Director at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Saad Gilani

Managing Director, Investments

Joseph Simone - Vice President Investments at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Joseph Simone

Managing Director, Investments

Roger Masi

Roger Masi

Managing Director, Investments

Thomas Morgan - Vice President Investments at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Thomas Morgan

Vice President, Investments

Sharon Martin - Managing Director Investor Relations at Yorkville Advisors

Sharon Martin

Managing Director Investor Relations

David Fine

David Fine

Senior Legal Counsel

Robert Harrison

Robert Harrison

Senior Legal Counsel

Oren Franks - Controller at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Oren Franks


Scott Cubeta - Trader at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Scott Cubeta

Head Trader

Owen Colwell - Analyst at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Owen Colwell


Sam Rosselli - Analyst at Yorkville Advisors (founded by Mark Angelo)

Sam Rosselli


Chris Pento

Chris Pento
